With Everything Lead
Using this machine we can gaze into the minutia of lead contamination.
looking at 1 part per billion of lead in a sample is like looking at 7 people amongst the entire human population of 7 billion.
Salt is composed of sodium chloride, inside of the heated sample chamber it tends to decompose violently. When I first tried to do this, I used a 10% salt sample, this resulted in a noticeable poof of salt fly out of the top of the chamber when it reached the atomize temperature (5600f).
Resulting in a negative reading, the amount of light absorbed by the "lead" in the chamber was less than the blank i had run, and less than the background correction was capable of reconciling as well.
I lowered the concentration to 1% and added the same matrix modifiers. I was able to get readings consistent with what other people had gotten, but I am left wondering... How are laboratories who are sent a sample of salt.
im going to findout and add to this
my cat won't stop pissing all over the carpet